And the only source of synthetic, large-scale, geo-tagged data that mirrors the complexity of human activity. Generated by our simulation engine and curated by our team of experts, Worldline delivers realism without risking privacy. Our artificial sensors mimic how various digital platforms observe people, devices, and vehicles as they interact and move around in the physical world every day.
See it for YourselfOriginally developed for our own internal use, Worldline is now helping our clients and partners push the boundaries of geospatial techniques and location intelligence.
Thought leaders in AI and spatial data science use Worldline to pursue new frontiers in data modeling and analysis.
Professors and instructors in the fields of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Data Science use Worldline to create realistic, compelling lessons and exercises.
Technology companies use Worldline to build relevant, immersive demonstrations and experiment with new product features.
GEOINT professionals use Worldline to hone their skills, develop new tradecraft, and test technology.